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Injector accessories bags

Injector accessories bags 

The injector accessory pouches contain the components necessary for the installation of AEB-branded injector strips in a gas system.

Contents of AEB injector accessory pouch

Mounting pads: Provide a stable fixing of the injectors to the intake manifold.

Nuts: Used to secure the injectors to the washers.

Anti-vibration mounts: Dampen vibrations and protect the injectors from damage.

Intake manifold connectors: Enable the injectors to be connected to the intake manifold.

Injector accessory bag - what you need it for

The accessory bags are used for the installation of AEB injector strips on gas systems. These accessories ensure that the injectors are correctly fitted and functioning, which is essential for proper engine operation.

In the case of RAIL injection strips, the mounting parts are included with the strip and do not need to be purchased separately.

Active filters