LPG emulators
The car's LPG emulator is a device used to simulate the signals sent to the vehicle's on-board computer (ECU) when running on gaseous fuel. The emulator is part of the LPG system and is essential for the correct operation of the system.
The emulator has several key functions:
Emulation of lambda probe signals: When the car is running on gas, the LPG system controller needs to know the fuel mixture ratio. In sequential systems, this is made possible by the lambda probe emulator, which transmits signals to the controller that are identical to those that the lambda probe sends to the ECU.
Emulation of other sensors: The emulator can also emulate signals from other sensors, such as the fuel temperature sensor or the fuel pressure sensor.
Elimination of on-board computer errors: When the car is running on gas, the on-board computer may receive information that suggests there is a problem with the fuel system. The LPG emulator 'tricks' the computer into simulating normal petrol engine operating conditions, helping to avoid unnecessary errors or the 'Check Engine' light.
In some cases, the emulator can help control the fuel switching process from petrol to gas.
Remember, however, that an LPG installation should be carried out by a professional installer, and that regular servicing and maintenance is key to the safety and performance of the system.